ഗവൺമെന്റ് മോഡൽ എച്ച്.എസ്.എസ്. ഫോർ ബോയ്സ് ആറ്റിങ്ങൽ/അക്ഷരവൃക്ഷം/THE UNSLEEPABLE NIGHTS
Optimism and immunity:Do positive thoughts always lead to positive effects?"- This is a thought by 'Suzanne C.Segerstorm.' Is this question can be taken as a important thing in the present situation.I think so.. What is immunity? -The Immune system is a host defense system comprising many biological structures and processes with an organism that protects against disease. I'm not telling about this. This is the definition in science that,what is immunity? I'm trying to understand all of you that,what is the 'Man power against a disease. The first step that is to be taken 'Man power Immune System. ' Now we are facing a dangerous situation,a Virus is killing the world. By this virus,I learned that,the simple word virus is not at all simple,how much dangerous it is..So I'm telling about the Man power which taken by human beings to destroy this virus. Not only this,all of them. The Man power immune will face all of this. I'm trying to understand all of you about the Man power,not only a man,a whole crew which is fighting against the virus.so this is about the crew behind the hard work,which is fighting against this virus. Telling about the crew, behind the crew there is Doctors, Nurses, hospital members and the entire health department....So, entering into the crew..
The Unsleepable Nights: Doctors,Nurses,the entire health department,the entire hospital, their nights are Unsleepable,I don't know they are eating their foods or not. The Unsleepable Nights are their hardworking symbol,their duty to their nature. So the Man power immune now connected. The Man power immune is the hard work of these people's.I'm not avoiding the police ,the ministry they are also the genius. I'm taking the health department only..