കെ.കെ.കെ.വി.എം.എച്ച്.എസ്സ്,പൊത്തപ്പള്ളി./അക്ഷരവൃക്ഷം/FIFTEENTH CENTURY
The wealth of fifteenth century China attracted the sailors of Europe. They hoped to make their fortunes by trading with China. So, they scouted for new sea routes to the far east. The rulers of Portugal including Henry,the navigator,and King John II extended patronage to these voyages. In the 1440 's Portuguese ships began to sail down the African coast. Caravels, a new kind of ship built by the Portuguese in the early 1400's, made it possible to journey around the world. After 1492, explorers crossed the Atlantic. They could touch the shores of china by sailing westwards around the world. Most of the world was explored and mapped in the next three hundred years. The explorations during this period were many, and far reaching. This period came to be known as the ' Age of Exploration'.