എച്ച്.എസ്. എസ് ഫോർ ഗേൾസ് വെങ്ങാനൂർ/അക്ഷരവൃക്ഷം/Environment
We have a beautiful Environment. But, it keep on changing day by day. Even the minute changes can affect our lives greatly. The condition of our environment is being discussed in a large scale. Our environment has got a big change since we humans revolutionised. Cutting down of trees, draining rivers, destruction of mountains, etc are some of the major problems. Along with the environment, mother nature is also struggling to survive. Comparing the environment with 20th and 21st century, in the 20th century there were less number of diseases and many of them had natural medicines. The surroundings were more safe and secure .People were more free and relaxed. But in the 21st century, more destruction of the environment occurred. Now our surroundings are filled with many dangerous virus. Many hazardous bio-chemical weapons also exists. This makes the surrounding more fearsome. If you ask a person to name a virus, the most likely answer will be Coronavirus, because it is the most dangerous virus. Wuhan is the place from where the pandemic has broken out. Our environment is becoming really dangerous. But people are wishing to go back to the natural environment. In this corona time we all can protect our environment in some ways. We can stay home and prevent the spreading of Coronavirus. We can take care of our garden and plant a few saplings. The Coronavirus in a way is a little favourable. Since vehicles are seen less on roads the air pollution level has also gone down. People are staying home and having joyful times with their families. But we have to take care of our environment more. We have to safeguard our environment for the coming generation. Let us all join hands to prevent the outbreak of dangerous virus. Let us all stay home and stay safe.