A long time ago in a forest,there lived two rabbits.They had a son named Chintu.He was a very lazy kid.They were very loving parents and followed good hygiene.But the only matter that worried them was laziness of their kid.Chintu disliked to take shower.He hated to remain clean and hygiene.Every time the parent compelled him to maintain personal hygiene,he simply remained silent and still. Fed up with chintu's laziness, his parents decided to seek help from their dearest friend and also the wise elephant of forest Miss.Timothi.They explained Chintu's behaviour to Timothy.After thinking for a while she promised the rabbits, that she would bring an end to Chintu's laziness and their worries.She accompanied the rabbits to meet chintu.On reaching their house , without waiting for a moment,Timothy suddenly took some water from the nearby pond in her trunk and showered up on Chintu.Chintu became wet.He jumped up and down with joy .Now he understood the happiness in remaining clean and hygiene.After that Chintu never seemed to be lazy.He obeyed his parents by maintaining cleanliness .Chintu now realized the truth that "Cleanliness is the first step to remain healthy and active".