ഗവൺമെൻറ്, എച്ച്.എസ്. എസ് അയിരുപ്പാറ/അക്ഷരവൃക്ഷം/IMPORTANCE OF CLEANLINESS
Cleanliness is very important in our life.Cleanliness is an essential factor in our daily life.To lead a successful healthy life we have to follow some rules.Cleanliness is the first thing we have to follow.Clean your body daily to protect them from germs and diseases.brush two times daily, bath daily. wear clean clothes.Cut your nails properly.These are personal cleanliness..not only this we have to clean the surroundings also.If the environment is dirty it will affect our health.So clean your surroundings .Don’t throw vegetable peels and other wastes . Collect them in a dust bin and put them in waste management pits .It wil become turn into bio fertilizers.And the soil become very fertile . This soil is very good for the development of plants..So with the help of wastes we can produce fresh vegetables in our area. Cleanliness also represents one’s basic character and neatness.If you are cleaning your home neatly your mind will also get some pleasure.If some guests come to our home and the home is not cleaned properly they will see us in a bad view .So be good and do good things.And keep yourself clean and also your surroundings .