ഗവ. എൽ പി എസ് പാങ്ങോട്/അക്ഷരവൃക്ഷം/COVID 19
Corona is a newly discovered virus.It causes a disease called covid 19."Corona"is a Latin word means crown.Under a microscope there are something these viruses look like a crown.There are something we can do to protect ourself, family and friends. 1.Wash your hands using soap and water,wash for atleast 20 seconds. 2. Don't touch your face, eyes and nose,and use a mask . Don't wear mask for more than a day. 3. Drink hot water each 15 seconds and eat healthy food. 4.Keep social distance. And also don't forget the policeman, doctors,nurses,and all other helpers are working all day and night to protect ourselves. Don't get panic just obey our government orders. "Stay home,stay safe and stay healthy"