സെന്റ് മേരീസ് എച്ച്.എസ്.എസ്, വിഴിഞ്ഞം/അക്ഷരവൃക്ഷം/A SHORT STORY OF EPIDEMIC
A SHORT STORY OF EPIDEMIC Ken Haller is a profesor of prdiatrics at the saint L0uis university school of Medicine and cordinal Glennon childrans hospital.He is the president of the Missouri chapter of the American Academy of pediatrics and serves on the boards of the mssouri foundation for Health literacy project .He has also served as , president of the ST LoUIS pediatric society,promo missouries state wide LGBT civil rights organisation and GLMA,the national organisation of LGBT health care needs of children and adolescents.Kenis also an accomplished actor,produced play wright and acclaimed cabaret An epidemic is the large nuber of people in a given population with in a short so many pandemic,epidemic diseases are seen in the world,chikun gunya, cholera,lassa fever etc In this year people cought the corona virus.The corona virus out break officialy know as covid-19 which started in China,has sor far killed over 102,734 people across the glob and infected 1,699,631 as on April 11-2020.The virus has spread to 181 countries in India 7,447 confirmed case and 239 deaths have been reported so far according to official figure.