സെന്റ് എഫ്രേം എച്ച്.എസ്സ് എസ്സ്. മാന്നാനം/അക്ഷരവൃക്ഷം/CORONA "Care Others Respectfully Orelse Nobody will be Alive"

CORONA "Care Others Respectfully Orelse Nobody will be Alive"

"Care Others"
"Respectfully Orelse"
"Nobody will be Alive"
Yes. The spreading of Corona Virus around the globe is actually teaching the mankind the most important value of all to care others.Man developed dramatically in the past few centuries fighting all adversities of nature ,whether it be diseases or calamities we discovered many medicines and vaccines each time,When we face an epidemic and for all development we were proud to be humans.

But proud paved way to arrogance and ultimately to violence,to seize power of everything.We wounded earth by deforestation,pollution,industrialization, Global warming and threatened her .So she fought back with on her might the Corona Virus .That is what we understand from this epidemic from China, it spreads disastrously.Killing more than 2Lakhs and affecting 32Lakhs around the world.Money, reputation and power proved to be useless in front of it.So in a way,it united many things -the rich, the powerful and the weak and even the whole world.

Even though deadly diseases which are infectious have spread across the world,no pathogen have spread rapidly affecting the world economy and ordinary lives.Many don't have work,money,food or social links and are starving for happiness.Actually we should take this positively.Let's imagine this as a test put forward by nature asking many questions to humans to test our ability to love, help and survive.Are we ready to sacrifice our life to someone strange to us?Are we ready to spare our money, health and time for others?Are we ready to throw away our happiness and egos for the well being of the whole world?Are we ready to behave as an actual human?These are some of those questions. To answer these questions to defeat this deadly Virus along with Mask,glove and sanitizer. We should also keep prayer,care and affection handy.Many great people worked for such people, threatened to deadly diseases,without any regret.

Fr Damien worked for people affected by Leprosy for several years in Hawaii island.His fear was not greater than His affection for poor ones.Saint Francis Assisi have even kissed such a person and the man become Jesus.Mother Theresa had also worked hard for such weak, diseased people.Because of their love and sincerity God protected them everywhere. We need such needy people in this emergency situation; People who love God and love Like God. So to sweep away this COVID-19 from this world,Let's be alert and hopeful.Let us be strong and healthy physically by social distancing,Quarantine and cleanliness,and mentally by prayer, positive thinking and respect other lives .


അലീന മേരി മനോജ്
12 സി 2 സെന്റ് എഫ്രേം എച്ച്.എസ്സ് എസ്സ്. മാന്നാനം
കോട്ടയം വെസ്റ്റ് ഉപജില്ല
അക്ഷരവൃക്ഷം പദ്ധതി, 2020