A Cracked World
   Once upon a time, there was a world with a gigantic crack through it. On one side there lived monsters and weird mysterious creatures. Their side was stony, dirty and dead. The weird mysterious creatures were known as ’Minotaurs’. They were always fighting with each other, and they didn”t care about nature. On the other side of the gigantic crack, lived creatures called ‘Lushyrs’. They look like humans, but they have gills. Their skin can blend in with anything that they are around. They often live in water. The ‘Lushyrs’ is joyful, love to help each other, and they care about nature.
            Every year the Lushyrs create a bridge across the crack so they can go to another side. They always bring signs with them when they across. These signs have magical screens showing pictures of fresh and beautiful nature. The Lushyrs bring the signs because they want the Minotaurs to stop polluting by reminding them of what their side could be like. But the leader of the Minotaurs, Lord Teneroc, uses dark magic to destroy the signs before other Minotaurs see them. Lord Teneroc doesn’t want the other to know that their side could be better. If they knew that their side could be beautiful, the Minotaurs would take away Lord Teneroc’s magic crown. It is because he hides the truth from them, the Minotaurs live in a bad place.
         To get the signs in front of the Minotaurs, one little girl named Arcana had a plan. She went to the Temple of the Sorcerers to get training so she could steal Lord Teneroc’s crown. When her training was done, Arcana got a magic potion from the sorcerers that gave her the power to live whatever she wanted. Then Arcana and other ‘Lushyrs’ crossed the bridge over the crack at night. While the other ‘Lushyrs’ planted the magic signs, Arcana went to Lord Teneroc’s castle. She snuck into his castle and drank the potion. She used the potions magic to take Lord Teneroc’s crown. Then Arcana snuck out of the castle and returned to the Lushyrs. Once the Minotaurs saw the signs, they began to make their home a better place. Because of Arcana’s courage, both the land areas became beautiful. Both Minotaurs and Lushyrs became friends they both traveled from one to other land areas from then the bridge was not destroyed. Lord Teneroc was defenestrated. He was thrown into the crack. Minotaurs and Lushyrs made Arcana as their queen. It was because of her courage the earth became beautiful again. 
ജോസഫ് ജോൺ
3 B സെന്റ് തോമസ് ജി.എച്ച്.എസ്.പെരുമാനൂർ
എറണാകുളം ഉപജില്ല
അക്ഷരവൃക്ഷം പദ്ധതി, 2020

 സാങ്കേതിക പരിശോധന - Anilkb തീയ്യതി: 17/ 04/ 2020 >> രചനാവിഭാഗം - കഥ