It was the time of New year
Natives of world turned to celebrate it,
By breaking all the limits of enjoyment
With the new year A new guest also entered into the world
People didn't care about it
They continue their daily routine
Exploiting nature is also a part of their life
The Guest started to kill the people silently
When it became huge,
All people get into their
But it was too late for some countries
It spreads all over the world
It killed lakhs of people
And lakhs are on the tip of Death
Like the root breaking of huge trees,
Huge continents fell down
in front of this guest
It teach us to stay home
And the sounds 'I Have no time' disappeared
The environment and the creatures became happy,
Because there are no one to exploit them
No one knows where did the guest came from
Is it is a punishment to man for his arrogance .
Anyway the aim of the guest is Violence
And it happened in world
We didn't want such a guest
The human will love the environment
And the arrogance turns to humble
That is my Optimistic
The nature will kicks out this guest
Because nature is a Mother
Mother of Ours