ഗവ.വി.എച്ച്.എസ്സ് .എസ്സ് .മുട്ടറ/അക്ഷരവൃക്ഷം/My lockdown experiences
My lockdown experiences
It is an unprecendented experience for me during this lockdown period due to Covid19 pandamic.Three months ago we heard that a kind of fever outbreaks in wuhan ,China.At that time we think it affects them only.We enjoyed here a lot.But now the situation comes more and more worse.Since the numbers of corona patients soaring up in India the government is forced to suggest lockdown.l know almost everyone like me is going through a rough phase and finding it challenging to deal with the abrupt change in the life style. In the course of this lockdown l try to keep myself as much as fit as possible.Do an hour of exercise and yoga everyday in the morning .It will improve my immunity and make my body less susceptible to corona virus Its a time for me to stay at home and make enjoyable with my family.Reading books is a habit of the highest standard. Now l get a lot of time for reading books.Perhaps during this time many people suffering from non availability of books.But l could get a big help from school. The teachers of my school brings school library books towards our homes.Its a great blessing for us.l spend some time by hearing music.Hearing music help my mind to forget the stress and boredom.An addition of dance with music can deliver an additional entertainment. Another possibility for me to avoid the lockdown time is to engage in indoor games.My brother and l also get entertained by playing caroms and chess.These games are quite exciting and positively influence the mind.Movies are among the topmost constituent that amuse humans when we get bored.During this period watch new movies with my family experience something new to me. l always try to spread laughter and happiness.l am not a regular cook till then.Now l also engaged in cooking.It takes me some profound efforts to make food everyday.Still it is entertaining for me because my family members work together to cook meals.So we thus lockdown time wisely instead of stress and anxiety. The most important one that l can never forget which is the new whats app group in my school.The teachers of myschool created a whats app group named sargavasantham.They give us various creative activities.So during this lockdown period also we come to contact with our teachers and friends.It makes me so engaged.l am so thankful to my teachers.So we use this time wisely to improve our skills and stay postitive.