The fall of the worst survivor
Once upon a time in the far corner of the universe there existed a planet. It was filled with life which made it different from all the other planets. It was born about 4.54 billion years ago. It was named after the Greek goddess Gaia...THE EARTH, the only one where humans, animals and plants lived. Its beauty was praised by all the other heavenly bodies. It was called the blue planet which was sufficient to satisfy the needs of all the creatures which lived in it.
Among its creatures there lived the worst survivor......THE MAN. He was gifted with the best. He had heart for filling the world with love, brains for intelligence and so on. He was meant to fill the world with peace... to make the world the most beautiful. But....he destroyed the expectations of the creator. He made revolutions, he killed his fellow beings, He declared himself as the dictator who had no oppositions to face. He destroyed the greenery. He destroyed his mother.
One day a small invisible visitor came to meet him. He welcomed his guest warm heartedly. He shaked hands with him and gave him his towels. But the guest was not what he thought of. He was the one who came to defeat the man who claimed that the whole world was his..the whole world was under his own control. He was CORONA VIRUS which cause the disease called covid-19. He started conquering the worst survivor. The worst survivor reacted with his best, he used his brains. He started to use his brains to help his fellow beings too. But the virus started defeating him. Will this be the fall of the worst survivor???
സാങ്കേതിക പരിശോധന - Anilkb തീയ്യതി: 24/ 04/ 2020 >> രചനാവിഭാഗം - കഥ