“Uncle, where is Magic of Music?”, asked the school boy to the man sitting near the shop.Just go straight and take your left”, the man replied. The boy requested “If you don’t mindcan you please guide me? I am novice here”. “Sure, just follow me”, said the man.What is this Magic of Music? Well!Long ago, there lived a poor family with John, the father and Mary, the mother along withtheir three daughters. The eldest daughter was Anna, Alina, the second daughter and theyoungest one was Lina. John was a fruit seller and Mary was homemaker. They often lackfood, cloths and money. Therefore they were looked down among their relatives and society.Mary murmured to her husband always due to their low status and poverty. But John focusedon his dreams rather than listening to the complaints of his wife. Alina and Lina were sopretty and selfish in nature. But Anna was different from them. She was not pretty but herbeauty reflected from her heart. Anna was very kind and talented in music. Her father, Johnhad noticed her interest in music and it was his dream to teach her music. Anna used to gowith her father to help him sell the fruits. But Alina and Lina refused to help their parentsbecause they thought that doing works would spoil their beauty. They hated Anna becauseshe was a good girl and often praised by their father for her hard work.It was a bright morning. Anna was going with her father to their fruit stall as usual. Suddenlythey noticed a small crowd. Anna left her father and moved forward to see what washappening there. There she saw a street singer earning a lot of money through his amazing music skills. She thought it would be a great help to my family if I do the same. Anna toldJohn that she wanted to learn music. But the poor father told, “Oh my dear, I also have adream to let you go for music classes. But what to do? Can’t you see our financial crisis?That night Anna went to her bed crying but she woke up morning with a new decision. Nextday Anna told her father that she would try making fruit juices in his shop. So that she wouldget enough money to learn music. John agreed to that and Anna started working hard thoughher two sisters teased her. Well! Her plan was successful. John had lot of customers thanbefore. Within few months she joined to a music school and learned guitar and singing. Aftertwo years she came back to her father’s stall. But this time she started playing music andsinging in the street. Many people paused there and listened to her music. Indeed she startedearning money.After some days she was invited by one of the famous musicians of that country to come andsing for his upcoming song. It was a shock for the whole family. Anna couldn’t believe thisand contacted the assistant of that famous musician. And he told her that they saw her at the street as they were travelling and loved her voice. Thus they sought about her and got John’snumber. And he gave the tune and lyrics of the new song. Anna was very excited and shespent a lot of time in practice for the next months. And here came that day, her firstperformance in a studio. The song got released and it became the hit song of the year. ThusAnna became famous and people started inviting her for different concerts. John’s dream wasfulfilled. Alina and Lina regretted for what they had done to their elder sister. Mary was sohappy that their family was upgraded among the society.And the story doesn’t end here. Few years passed. Anna started a music school in her townand she named her school as “Magic of Music”. Now she equips many other students andintroduces them to the magic of music....

ബെസിയ ബി എസ്
7F ഗവ.എച്ച് എസ് എസ് മാരായമുട്ടം
നെയ്യാറ്റിൻകര ഉപജില്ല
അക്ഷരവൃക്ഷം പദ്ധതി, 2020

 സാങ്കേതിക പരിശോധന - Mohankumar.S.S തീയ്യതി: 28/ 04/ 2020 >> രചനാവിഭാഗം - കഥ