Now sitting at my window side
I feel so much fear stuck in my heart.
Days before everything was so ok.
Then now I see something wrong.
Once I said people  are  selfish
They just care no one, even the planet
they are living on and  they don't
Even have a plan B, only have the Earth.
There was so much smoke  in the air
And so much dirt in the water
And so much greed  in the eyes of man
And I see nothing now.....
I see fear.
All these time. You locked up the animals
In a place called zoo, and now
You lock yourself  in the four walls
The signs of love, the kisses and hugs
Turned to deadly weapons, over night
People look  each other with fear only
Having no clue, will they survive.
There was  so much cry
There was so much distress
And so much of people are
dieing and I see fear.
And we hope that we will survive
And even after if we act the same
We will have to cry more...I say
Leave our greed and bury it deep
Love and concern can save us now.

Anakha Baby
+1 Commerce ST.Josephs G.H.S Chengal
ആലുവ ഉപജില്ല
അക്ഷരവൃക്ഷം പദ്ധതി, 2020