ഇമ്മാനുവൽസ് എച്ച്.എസ്സ്.എസ്സ്.കോതനല്ലുർ/അക്ഷരവൃക്ഷം/CORONA VIRUS
A pandemic is characterized as the disease that is spread over a wide geographical area (on a global level) and affects a large proportion of people. Lately, the sudden out break of China originated pandemic named COVID-19 has exhaustively affected the entire globe. WHO has characterized it as a pandemic as it has affected the entire world disastrously. The countries like China, Italy, and U.S. are among the worsly affected ones where the number of patients suffering this disease has crossed lakh. COVID-19 an infectious disease that emerged from Wuhan, China. It is primarily caused due to a the virus titled Corona and the major symptoms of this disease include fever, cough, and respiratory illness (like breathing difficulty). However, 80% of people who suffer this disease recover fortunately but the most menacing element of this disease is its infectious nature. If a person get infected with the virus, the other people who come in contact of that person surfaces touched by him/her can get infected. The dearth of the vaccine and infectious character of this disease has converted this disease into global outbreak. Thus, the most considerable steps to prevent this disease involves avoiding close contact people who are ill, following social distancing, washing hands frequently, sheathing the mouth while sneezing or coughing etc. The corona virus family causes illness ranging from the common cold to more severe diseases such as Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome (SARS) and Middle East Respiratory Syndrome (MERS), according to the WHO. They circulate in animals and some can be transmitted between animals and humans. Several corona viruses are circulating in animals that have not yet infected humans. The new corona virus, the seventh known to affect humans, has been named COVID-19.