(മറ്റൊരു ഉപയോക്താവ് ചെയ്ത ഇടയ്ക്കുള്ള 4 നാൾപ്പതിപ്പുകൾ പ്രദർശിപ്പിക്കുന്നില്ല) |
വരി 1: |
വരി 1: |
| {{BoxTop1
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| | തലക്കെട്ട്= Covid-19
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| <center> <poem>
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| Coronavirus or COVID-19 is a dangerous disease spreading throughout the world. In just
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| two months, it has spread dangerously far and wide. The disease has taken over headlines and has
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| become a topic of discussion in newspapers, news channels etc. On but still, people keep dying and a
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| cure hasn't been found yet. Corona virus is a major threat to our lives
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| This year 2020, the first day of January 1st was officially announced by the government of
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| China that the disease is caused by virus and this is found by the doctors of China, the virus was
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| discovered later on but still people keeps dying and there is no cured(are medicine to be found by (or
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| antitode) yet made (or discovered) by China. The cases of Corona virus was started to be discovered
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| on the last day of the year 2019.
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| The last day of the year 2019, December 31 China was taken care of the death of a person at
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| Wuhan at china, And the main reason behind the disease is the Wuhan market at china, in this market
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| we find all the kinds of animals such as Chinese cobra, big, bats, chicken, cow, rat, spiders, insects,
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| fishes, and there are many other posionable animals, people of China eats ever animals and also the
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| reason after the spreading of disease, it is officially said that eating of Chinese cobra snakes made this
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| virus form and the secondary reason is because in that market all the kinds of animals are found at a
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| same place and all the animals made the infections and disease spread very dangerous. Actually these
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| are mammals.
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| Corona virus is a major threat in our today's life, it is the starting to death of the world, the
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| corona virus is a virus caused only by animals, it is not caused by ever type of animal about the
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| animals like mammals are the main cause of this corona virus. The symptoms of this virus is very
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| simple it just get started by a normally cold and finally at the last stage it is know by the people and
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| taken care of doctors.
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| Government of China officially told that more than 3000+ people have already died due to
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| this major virus and also this virus is being spread to thousands of people and more than twenty
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| thousand thousand people have already effected and this disease is spread to other countries. All the
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| counties in the world have been highly warned that no one should be allowed to visit China.
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| Some symptoms of corona virus are cold, cough, some throat problem's, headache with
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| fever. This is not just the first time corona attacked China, more times in before years have attacked
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| China and also this have been attacked in the before years with some other various places by the
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| same non-veg market's, but it is said by the scientists that this type of corona virus is the most
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| dangerous one ever. There is no vaccination or any other medicines to cure this disease.
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| The most worried news to the whole world is same that corona effects our next generations
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| and also it is confirm that pregnant women's are effected by corona virus and also after the baby is
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| born scientists have tested the babies but as a worried and a most bad news it is said that the new
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| born poor babies are affected by the dangerous corona virus, and one of the corona positive results
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| at china confirmed that a one month baby was effected by corona by the baby's mother.
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| Corona made the world worried, scared and afraid people are fighting hard and scientists
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| are keep rechecking on for this major threat in the today's worlds environment, we must strongly
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| stand to fight against the corona virus and also pray to the great souls who left their lives and their
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| are many people who lost their lives not only children’s, people at ever aged are been effected
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| continuously.
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| I am very sad to say that the corona virus is not having any kinds of protection to the people in
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| our country India people are been given holidays to schools by the central government of India due to
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| the awareness of corona. The World corona is being populated and even uneducated peoples are
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| knowing about this major disease.
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| Hence, I finally say that always to be safe by protecting ourselves and also safe the people in
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| our environment, it is important to keep our environment clean without any effects of any
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| environment threat or disease, we can't say how live comes and how life ends but we can try
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| protecting ourselves and people of our country, world. WHO (World Health Organization) is helping
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| and doing great support to China and also to other countries in the world. Let's think to be positive
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| and also try to help people by giving awareness about this disease.
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| #Stay Home #Stay Safe
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| </poem> </center>
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| {{BoxBottom1
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| | ക്ലാസ്സ്= 10 B
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| | പദ്ധതി= അക്ഷരവൃക്ഷം
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| | വർഷം=2020
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| | സ്കൂൾ= ചെറുപുഷ്പഎച്ച്.എസ്.ചന്ദനക്കാംപാറ
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| | സ്കൂൾ കോഡ്= 13066
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| | ഉപജില്ല= ഇരിക്കൂർ
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| | ജില്ല= കണ്ണൂർ
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| | തരം= ലേഖനം
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