വി. പി. എസ്. ഹയർസെക്കന്ററി സ്കൂൾ വെങ്ങാനൂർ/അക്ഷരവൃക്ഷം/THE WITCHES
Long long ago the healthy earth and the human beings were very happy. They used to eat healthy food , made themselves fit. At that time not even a single disease existed. The adults and children played together every morning and evening. But on the other side the witches were to angry too see human beings Happy. So, they decided to make a potion that would absorb all the happiness from the Earth. They started to work on together. One night they decided to start that evil spell. The spell was very powerful that even a single mistake may damage every thing.The forest got destroyed and the witches were minimized into a green color microbe. The could not escape from It the bottle was there for many days. A little boy got that bottle. He was so thirsty he thought that the bottle was filled with soft drinks.He consumed all the witches.They started to affect his body.They changed his likes and dislikes.The witches transferred from the boy to other people.At last it affected the whole world.the witches made people sick,lazy,weak . human named these witches as virus