മോഡൽ ഇംഗ്ലീഷ് സ്കൂൾ തിരുവങ്ങാട്/അക്ഷരവൃക്ഷം/Fight Against Corona at My Apartment
Fight against Corona at My Apartment
Corona is keeping all people at our apartment inside their homes. We children are playing as usual. But we miss going out to watch movies, eat ice creams, playing in beaches, visiting relatives and friends etc.. Here we kept a bucket full of water and hand wash for people coming into our apartment. We also use hand sanitizer after playing and before entering into our houses. We get groceries, vegetables and other essential things from ‘Home Delivery Shop’. For medicines my father goes to nearest medical shop wearing mask. We all got lot of time to spent together with family. We started planting more indoor plants. We are providing food to cats in our apartment basement. Some stray dogs are also coming to eat here. All our apartment inmates are looking funny without doing hair cut during lock down. Some tried to cut their hair their own and failed miserably. We are watching more movies and youtube than earlier . We are waiting to end this lock down and to go out and enjoy.