പി.ആർ ഡബ്ള്യൂ. എച്ച്.എസ്.എസ് കാട്ടാക്കട/അക്ഷരവൃക്ഷം/THE WORLD WIDE CORONO
In the early 21st century Mankind found a cause To battle fellow man,and start The war to end all wars.......... Our carefully- crafted illusion of predictable security Destroyed by a simple virus corona. We watch as the well oiled gears Of our elaborate world Machine grind to shuddering halt. An invisible hidden lines Of our interdependence. Eerie silence prowls empty streets Enforced isolation teaching us just how much we need each other. A handshake with a strange Full shelves at the store. Conversation with neighbours. A crowed threat Friday night out. The taste of communication A routine checkup. A simple corona virus.........