Corona Virus

One morning, a dreadful disease founded in china.The disease named as Corona virus(covid-19). The disease spread all over the world,it gripped the world by fear.The World Health Organization founded that this disease transmitted from one person to another.Then they founded that this disease can prevent by washing hands frequently by hand wash or sanitizer.They also founded that this disease can prevent by keeping personal hygiene.They hardly tried but they don't get a suitable medicine for this dreadful virus.Many of the people were died.The whole World keeping their personal hygiene by lock down.The people was totally frightened by this dreadful virus.

Aiswarya Lakshmi A V
7 D ഗവ. ഗേൾസ്.എച്ച്.എസ്.എസ് ചേർത്തല
ചേർത്തല ഉപജില്ല
അക്ഷരവൃക്ഷം പദ്ധതി, 2020

 സാങ്കേതിക പരിശോധന - Sachingnair തീയ്യതി: 05/ 05/ 2020 >> രചനാവിഭാഗം - ലേഖനം