ഗവ.എച്ച്.എസ്.എസ് തെങ്ങമം/അക്ഷരവൃക്ഷം/THE HOPE WITHIN
Once, there lived a young girl named Amy. She is a very smart child full of laughter and hope. She didn’t have enough financial support like the rest of her classmates but that never made her weak because she knew one day she will be a lawyer and all of her problems will go away. One day Amy was sitting on the playground writing her diary, that’s when a bunch of children came over to her and bullied her. This bullying went for a month. The poor child never reported any of these to the school authority because she was scared of those children. As a result, she was diagnosed with depression. Once young charming girl became an introvert. She stopped talking with everyone. It was like as if her hope of light has finally blown over. Her condition grew worse. She became so insecure with herself. One day, Amy went out with her mother to buy groceries. She was standing outside the store reluctant to go inside. That’s when she saw a young boy crying alone in the alley. She went up to him and asked him what’s the matter The boy told Amy how some children at his school were bullying him and making him feel worthless. Amy instantly had a connection with that little boy. She saw Amy in his eyes. Amy told him to get up and look into the store mirror into his reflection. She told him that he is not worthless. That he is a very smart child with a lot more goodness inside his heart. She told him how he can fight over those bullies with his good deeds. Then she gave him a big hug. Then they part ways. Amy went home and thought about it. She went to see the reflection in the mirror. She saw herself. At that moment she realised she had everything she wants within her. She told her mother about the bullies. Her mother reported that to the school authority. Once mean children apologized to Amy and they became friends. Amy started doing well in her school and thus making her parents, teachers and friends proud. Inner strength is the medicine to any disease. Only you can fight back those. Amy is the big example for that. Depression is raging all around the world. To fight them, we have to be strong enough to understand the value of our worth. Have hope even in the darkest days.