ഗവൺമെൻറ്, ഗേൾസ് എച്ച്.എസ്. എസ് ,കോട്ടൺഹിൽ/അക്ഷരവൃക്ഷം/HEALTH IS WEALTH
Maintaining good health and preventing disease are important factors for a person’s quality of life. Preventable, communicable, or infectious diseases like malaria and HIV/AUSS account for millions of death in the world each year especially in low income countries DISEASE PREVENTION 8 Ways to prevent dieases • Eat like a champion
SELF- HYGIENE One personal benefit of good hygiene is having better health. Keeping our body clean helps prevent illness and infection from bacteria or viruses. The most important way to prevent the transfer of germs is hand hygiene. The act of washing hands regularly is an effective way to keep germs from spreading.PREVENTING SPREAD OF DIEASES Wash your hands. UNHYGIENE ENVIRONMENT AND DIEASES Every year an estimated 12.6 million people die as a result of hiving, working in an unhealthy environment. Environmental risk factors such as air, water and soil pollution, chemical exposures, climate change and ultraviolet radiation contributes to more than 100 diseases and injuries.
Diseases caused when we being unhygienic.
Athlete’s foot (tinea pedis)
Healthy diets boost “good” cholesterol and unhealthy triglycerides. This directly impacts risk of heart disease, stroke, metabolic syndrome, diabetes and high blood pressure by helping blood flow smoothly. When enough people are vaccinated, the entire community gains protection from the disease. This is called community immunity. It helps to stop the spread of disease and protects the most vulnerable, newborns, the elderly, and people fighting against serious illness like cancer. It is evident that environmental health practitioners play an important role in disease surveillance, prevention and control associated with meat safety vectors and vermin, food safety, environmental pollution and water, sanitation and hygiene which relate to health.Public health strategies aim to prevent disease or reduce its impact by taking actions to protect or promote the health and wellbeing of the population as a whole in contrast to medical strategies for treating disease in its individual members.