Long Long ago there lived a Rabbit named Raju in a forest. He was very clever and beautiful. A lion named Viran also lived in the same forest. He is the king of the forest and he is very foolish. One day He told all of the animals in the forest that He is the king of the forest and so they have to listen all that lion says.
In all days the animals have to give the king a pot of water; an animal and lot of foods. If they don't give this items He will eat them. All the animals in the forest was so sad. The Animals in the forest thought that We have to teach him a lesson. They thought lot and lot.
At last the Rabbit Raju had an idea. He called the king and said "I and you have to run upto the well and take the water from well. Who take so many water he will be the king of this forest." The lion ran fast and jumped into the welli and died. The Rabbit became the king of the forest and all the Animals lived there.