ഗവൺമെന്റ് ഗേൾസ് വി.എച്ച്.എസ്.എസ് മണക്കാട്/അക്ഷരവൃക്ഷം/lockdown fun up
lockdown fun up
I was really shocked to hear our primeminister announcing total lockdown in our country. Atfirst I was happy to be at home with all my family members. I need not write any left over exams. I always kept irritating my sister as she has to give her exam after the lockdown.My father and mother need not go for work.As days passed by I realised how hard is to sit at home aimlessly.Then from the next moment itself I thought of doing something very valuable.My teacher called me and enquired my whereabouts ,then she told about the awadhikala santhoshangal. She connected some of the class students through Zoom video conferencing and explained how to get the worksheets and she also assigned each day's work for all. I enjoyed listening to stories. Then I used to retell the stories in my own words,sometimes recorded the story and send it to my teacher. I loved it. My friends too enjoyed it. Now I don't get enough time to speak even to my sister. I felt myself very busy. Now I feel my school to be reopened soon ,so that I can share with my other friends in the class.I have drawn several pictures. Also there are so much of useful videos in youtube to enrich our abilities. Though it is covid-19 I am sitting safe at home and enjoying my holidays.