ഗവൺമെന്റ് എച്ച്. എസ്. ജവഹർകോളനി/അക്ഷരവൃക്ഷം/HOW TO PROTECT OURSELVES FROM COVID- 19
HOW TO PROTECT OURSELVES FROM COVID- 19 From the Wuhan province in China, the novel corona virus has spread across the globe and left death in it's wake. It's real name is SARS CoV-2 and scientists have named the virus COVID-19. It causes respiratory tract infections that range from common cold to pneumonia and eventually, death. As per the April 7 world health day statistics, 1359010 cases have been reported, of which 4858 cases are from India. 75900 COVID- 19 deaths have been reported worldwide, and over 45000 people are still in the critical stage. A successful vaccine is yet to be discovered and hence nobody is safe from this menacing virus. Personal hygiene and social distancing are the only ways we can stay protected from this virus. Here are a few measures we can take to defend ourselves and others from COVID-19.. Washing our hands rigorously with soap, handwash or alcohol based hand sanitizers for at least 20 seconds.. Not touching our eyes, nose or mouth with our hands.. Covering our mouth or nose with a tissue or handkerchief when we cough/sneeze.. If ypu have any symptoms like coughing, fever etc., stay isolated from friends and family members and contact medical services immediately. We can save hundreds of lives if we take these steps.Respect the actions of the government and medical officers because it is for our own safety.Stay home. Stay safe. COME, LET'S BREAK THE CHAIN