cleanliness is not a work which we should do forcefully.It is a good habit and healthy way of our healthy life.All type of cleanliness is very necessary for our good health whether it is personal cleanliness surrounding cleanliness,environment clean- liness,,pet animal cleanliness,and we also should be highly aware about how to maintain cleanliness in our daily life.
We should never compromise with cleanliness,it is as necessary as food and water for us.It should be practiced from child- hood itself.House hold cleanliness very important,when we prevent house hold cleanliness,it can cause respiratory diseases Such as asthma,chronic bronchitis,pleural effusion etc by inhaling dust particles in pillow covers,fans and walls.We also want to take care of our physical and mental cleanliness.We can achieve better physical and mental cleanliness through Yoga,Meditation,breath-ing exercise etc.
As Mahatma Gandhi said that "it is health that is real wealth and not pieces of gold and silver" . When our mind is healthy then our life will also be healthy. Environmental cleanliness is very important as one of our fundamental right.By attaining cleanliness we can make our surroundings better and healthy.
Another important thing is excessive use of plastics can lead to the destruction of the soil.It can also lead to the destruction of crops.So farming will be completely reduced.When farming is reduced it can lead to the unavailability of food
products.So we need to reduce the use of plastics ,either we could use paper bags or cloth
bags instead of plastic bags which we use regularly.
Pollution is a common factor for us ,waste water and waste materials from houses and from different religious centers are commonly dumped into public drama gets,it will cause epidemics and other diseases.So the degradable food wastes could be
Combined to form bio gas plant.It can also be used as a good manure for plants. These ways could reduce pollution and save out planet.
We gave much priority for cleaning private vehicles.But public vehicles will be cleaned once in a year.Such careless attitude can lead to the spread of epidemics in our society.So every vehicles including public vehicles such as KSRTC,Trains,Flights should be cleaned ones in a weak. My opinion for the reason of spreading corona virus in our country is by the lack of cleanliness in flights.
Personal hygiene is a factor which we need to Study from primary class itself.We guys gave much priority for cleaning our toilets and bathrooms,but Public toilets are been ruined by our self,from childhood itself.
By checking out some of my points we can change our society into a healthy, secure,safe and a better one.We could also avoid the spreading of Corona virus in our country.
സാങ്കേതിക പരിശോധന - Mohammedrafi തീയ്യതി: 15/ 04/ 2020 >> രചനാവിഭാഗം - ലേഖനം