എം.എം.എച്ച്.എസ്സ്. പന്തലാംപാടം/അക്ഷരവൃക്ഷം/COVID 19 - A MESSAGE TO WORLD
The world is not the same place as it was a few weeks back with the coronavirus pandemic wrecking havoc in different countries. Thousands of people have been affected and there's level of uncertainty around everything. Nature is sending us a message with the coronavirus pandemic and the ongoing climate crisis . Humanity was placing too many pressure's on these natural world with the damaging consequences and warned that failing to take care of the planet meant not taking care of ourselves. Leading scientists also said the covid 19 outbreak was a "clear warning shot " given that far more deadly disease existed in wildlife and that today's civilisation was "playing with fire". They said it was almost always human behavior the caused diseases to spill over into human. To prevent further outbreaks the experts said both global heating and the destruction of the natural world for farming, mining and housing have to end as both drive wildlife into contact with people . The coronavirus pandemic marks the end of our romance with market society and hyper individualism . But I believe we will go in the other direction . When this ends we will reorient our politics and make substantial new investments in public goods for health, especially and public service. I don't think we will become less communal. Instead we will be better able to see how our fates are linked. The economy and the social order it helps support will collapse if the government doesn't guarantee income for the millions of workers who will lose their jobs in a major recession or depression. Young adults will fail to launch if government doesn't help reduce or cancel this student debt. The coronavirus pandemic is going to cause immense pain and suffering. Bkut it will force us to reconsider who we are and what we value and in the long run. It could help us rediscover the better version of ourselves.