ഗവൺമെൻറ്, മോഡൽ ഗേൾസ് എച്ച്.എസ്.എസ് പട്ടം/അക്ഷരവൃക്ഷം/ The Mind Game

The Mind Game

Headquarters of U.S police force, Okhalohoma

The city had just overcome the hangovers of the New Year eve. The officers were returning to their daily office monotony after a long leave. The fast moving city was gaining momentum as time passed by. The conference hall was left abandoned with seats misarranged and table covered with a thin film of dust. It was left deserted since the officials had gone for leave for two and a half weeks. The tick tock and the oscillations of the old pendulum clock was the only disturbance to the silence. Through the glassy wall, the whole city was clearly viewable.

The door was opened all of a sudden and two attendees came inside with cloth and mops. One began to clean the table and other the floor. While he scrubbed hardly against the glassy top of the table, he asked

“Stewart, how was your holidays, man?” “Really cool, we went for trekking at the North Mountains and the Aerial view was superb! It’s beyond words.” “Orders are there will be a session today at 10. 00 AM. Stewart traced out some dust with his finger. “So hurry up.” “Wait, but what’s the time now?” His eyes diverted to the clock. It had struck eight.

The chief police commissioner was seated, facing the other officials on the either sides, who were sitting with their laptops opened and speakers on. The sun was shining splendidly above the clouds. The commissioner seemed tensed and sweat beads were breaking on his forehead. He ordered the attendee to switch on the projectors. The hall was closed and the lights went off. “Gentlemen, we are unable to accomplish a mission commissioned to us by the government one year before. Now they are laying more pressure upon us as it is a matter of our country’s safety. And this time, at any cost, we must.”

“Harry Styles- the most notorious criminal, smuggler and drug dealer has done it again. Eight murders at the Palk Street at 9.48 pm on New year eve. We have the CCTV visuals as evidence. He has managed to escape tactfully, several times, each time in spite of our planning and efforts. But the government has strictly informed that he must be in the custody before the deadline as he is a serious threat to the country. Or else, we’ll get fired.”

“And for that, we should get to know the vital information regarding his gang and followers. It’s a perilous task because he is truly a guy with a hidden personality and agendas.” There was a tremor in the commissioner’s voice. “So before the deadline, he should be in our custody.”

The lights were on.

“Gentlemen, so I am appointing a new officer for this.” He said, referring to a tall lean guy in black suit, with blonde hair and brown eyes. “He is Mr. David Brown, the chief superintendent of police, from Ireland. He’ll be in charge of this case from now on.”

“This session is dismissed and you may all leave.”

The night was dark and cold. The dark rain clouds had devoured the moon already. A man with thin muscular frame and ocean blue eyes was busy talking on the phone with body guards holding guns and pistols surrounding the terrace.

“Just a sec, I’ll call you later” He said and cut the call. “Any information, Louie”? A gruff voice and clatter of boots hit his ears and he turned. A tall guy with blonde clustered hair in black suit and glasses was arriving with some guards. This was the spot where he usually practiced gun shooting and target practice. “Harry, Robert is ready for the deal of 500 million dollars. Finalized on Wednesday at 10.00 am, venue the new Emirates building” “So things are now in our contro.l” Harry said, as he took out the cigarette from his lips. “It took me an hour to convince him” Louie replied. “He doesn’t trust fully on anyone. But we should gain his trust at any cost. With his trust, we could make a good fortune” “Should I join you tomorrow?” Louie asked. “No need” Harry said, letting out a cloud of smoke from his mouth. “And our weapons been packed and loaded”? Louie seemed tensed. “That is done. Only the loading is left.” “Get it done.” Harry shouted. “I hate delays.” “I... am trying to contact him.” Louie tried to convince him and reached out for his mobile phone. Harry removed his glasses. His green eyes sparkled with vigor and his eyebrows arched with suspicion. Louie felt something wrong. “What happened, Harry?” Harry fell silent for a moment. “I can feel treachery. At midnight Zach managed to escape from the house. He hid behind the car porch. The guards were standing vigilantly around the porch with guns and pistols. Zach’s hands quivered due to the rising trepidation in his heart. He peeped outside and was swearing profusely. With a slightest motion, he could be attacked. When the guards had shifted their positions, Zach took out his mobile phone and made a call. “Pick up! Pick up!” His heart reverberated. “Hello…hello MR. David Brown, I’m Zach” He spoke under his breath. “Zach, do you receive any information?” “Sir, Harry has fixed his deal with Robertson, coming Wednesday near the new Emirates building. I managed to sneak into their room and overhear them.” “Good and what’s the stuff”? “Weapons!” “Thanks for the vital information, Zach.” “And make sure that you’re safe. Never let them know that we are paired”. “No sir, I am safe here……..” Shadows fell on Zach’s face. When he turned around, the sight took his breath away for a moment. “Zach! Zach... Can you hear me?” His throat went dry and lips quivered. “H……Harry?” Harry stood facing him with Louie, Liam, and Zayne behind. Louie snatched his phone and switched it off. Harry stared at Zach with his iniquitous smile playing on his lips which faded away in a moment. Zach stood cowered under his stern gaze. “Clever from your part, Zach,” “You wanted to turn me and my gang to the cops.” “Harry...Please listen...Listen to me.” Zach’s eyes widened as Louie handed Harry his pistol. “I hate forgiving…especially when someone does the greatest mistake in his life-betrayal” Harry said, loading the bullets. “Harry!…I….” “And for what you have done ….this is what you deserve.…” “Harry…NO!” Zach was shot and he fell on the ground. “The best price you could pay for cheating me.” Harry snubbed. “The cops have information. What to do now”? Louie asked in suspicion. “Call Robertson, We’ll switch the deal tomorrow.” Next day, Harry and Robertson were discussing regarding the payments. Louie, Liam and Nyle were inspecting all directions holding guns shooters and earphones to pass information. Meanwhile the meeting was coming to an end. “Thanks, it was a great time, having a deal with you.” Robertson briskly let out his hand and gave him a shake hand. “We are ready to do business with you anytime, Robert.” Harry assured.

Robert pulled out a large black suitcase and handed it over to him. “Here’s your full.”

Harry took out the key from his suit and advanced it towards him. “Weapons are laden inside the truck. Now it’s all yours” As he was going to hand it over, an inner voice reverberated in his heart “Don’t trust fully on anyone. Check the suitcase.” “Wait!” He halted. “I would like to check the amount.” Robert was backtracked. “Why Harry, don’t you have faith in me?” “But this is business, Robert. So corporate.” Robert felt his knees going weak. Liam and Harry tried to open the suitcase. Bodyguards stood with their guns behind Robert. “STONES!” Liam exclaimed. “You cheat! You can’t get away from here!” Harry took out his gun and pointed towards him. Robert stood unperturbed with a vicious smile playing on his lips. “You are too late...My friend” A loud siren hit their ears. It increased in tempo. Robert took out his gun and pointed towards Harry. “Now’s my turn.” Policemen rushed out of their vehicles and surrounded the building while the gang members tried to escape from the building. Massive shooting began and some of the gang members and cops got killed in the riot. Harry hurried down the steps and shot the cops one by one. While he tried to escape through the emergency exit, he was shot in his chest. Harry urged to rise up and move with all the energy he could muster. But the mounting pain and profuse bleeding made him stumble and he fell. He could feel his eyes filling with darkness. Harry slowly opened his eyes. The giddiness had not left him then. He was surprised to find himself on a bed with an oxygen mask on his face. Someone came near him with a glass of water. He was not able to see clearly due to his blurred vision. He rubbed his eyes and opened them. A girl was standing near him and checking papers hanging on a clip board . As she was wearing a white coat and a stethoscope hanging loose on her neck, he understood that she was a doctor. She had black, wavy hair and her skin looked iridescent like a polished piece of marble. Her dazzling eyes and rosy cheeks gave her a cute, childlike appearance. As Harry got a glimpse of her, he couldn’t remove his eyes from her. The doctor placed the report aside and as she realized that he has regained consciousness. She leaned towards him and asked, “How are you feeling now?” Harry stared blankly and seemed completely unaware of what she had just asked. As she was checking his pulse, a nurse opened the door in sudden haste and called out. “Dr Hailey, There is an accident case at the emergency.” Hailey rushed towards the emergency. Harry watched her leaving till she completely vanished from his sight. “Harry! Thank god you’ve regained our consciousness.” Harry turned his head. It was Louie. “Louie!” He turned his head shockingly. It was the intensive care unit of the hospital. “What! But…how come I’m here”? Zayn got arrested by the police. When I was trying to escape, I saw you lying unconscious at the stairs. Then, I and Liam, we managed to bring you here somehow. “And ,the others?” “Most of them are shot by the police.” Louie explained. Harry was backtracked and he gritted his teeth. Harry watched Hailey injecting medicine to the patient next to his bed and giving necessary instructions to the staff nurse. While she came near him, Harry could feel his heart pounding with happiness. As she was giving him an injection, a loud shrill voice hit her ears. “Doctor, the cops have arrived here. They have surrounded the hospital from all sides.”

Hailey was terrified. “But,why?”

“I don’t know, please come here.” Hailey turned back. To her utmost bewilderment, Harry was not in his bed. The management and the hospital officials pried the reason behind their arrival and the cops assured them that there was no need to panic and that their mission was to arrest a notorious criminal, hiding inside the hospital. Hailey went out looking for Harry in all directions. While she stood near the curtains, somebody clutched her hair and placed the knife close her neck. Hailey was too shocked to react. “SHHH! If your life is precious for you, keep your mouth shut, young lady!” Hailey’s throat went dry. She shouted when he dragged her by hair. When she managed a glimpse of him, she was stunned. It was Harry! Hailey tried to remove her hands but Harry tightened his grip on her hair. In the meanwhile, Louie and Liam accompanied him, loading bullets inside their guns. Liam pointed his gun and shot at the ceiling which terrified the crowd and they were running in all directions. “Don’t dare, or else I’ll kill this doctor!” Harry shouted at the police force, which stood vulnerably in front of him. Hailey tried to scream, but he forcefully covered her mouth with his palm. Doctors, staff, officials and her colleagues watched helplessly when she was being dragged away by the gang. Hailey pleaded with her tear streaked eyes. But nobody came forward out of fear. “Harry! Enough of your drama! Leave her and surrender yourself.” David ordered. “Don’t you underestimate Harry, he knows how to play the game.” Harry shouted with pride. They pushed her inside the truck and left the place as soon as possible. The police cars were tracking them but after a short chase they lost pace with them. Hailey slowly opened her eyes. She was feeling weak and her limbs ached. She was locked inside a cell with her hands and toes tied with ropes. She struggled to sit upright and balanced herself on the wall. Darkness prevailed inside the cell. The floor was covered with dust and cobwebs. She looked desperately at the dilapidated ceiling, which seemed to collapse in the next rain. Somebody opened the lock. But she turned her head aside. Louie was standing with a plate full of food. She didn’t care. He pushed the plate towards her and removed its covering.

 “Eat!” He ordered.

Hailey glanced at the food and snorted arrogantly. “No.” Louie grew angrier seeing her haughtiness. Still he remained silent. He removed the ropes on her hands and said.

“Harry has ordered us to make you eat.”

Hailey twitched her nose and snorted. “I said, I don’t need to.” “Enough of your arrogance, young lady.” Louie shouted. “Am I his doll to do whatever he tells me?” Hailey screamed, her face swelling red with anger. Louie finally lost his control. “Then starve!” Harry was lying desperately on his bed. For the first time, his mind was overwhelmed with surging emotions. A feeling arose in his heart, which hadn’t affected him even when he had committed the greatest of crimes. He was unable to sleep and was in no mood to have dinner. Then his thoughts went towards Hailey. He was ruining her life too. What wrong had she done to him? And to escape, he had to risk her life. “Harry, Dr.Hailey refused to have dinner.” Louie said. “What! But why?”

“I don’t know.”

Harry got up from his bed and moved towards the cell where she was locked. Hailey had dozed off, with hair scattered over her tear drenched face. Her face was covered with cobwebs and her white coat swathed with dust. He felt sorry for her for bringing her into that hell hole. Hailey got up and brushed off her hair from her face. Her face filled with hatred when she saw Harry. She tried to balance herself on the wall and turned her face away from him. Harry wanted to speak to her, but words remained stifled in his throat. “What do you want from me?” Hailey asked, staring on the wall. Harry had no answer for her. “I have paid enough for saving you, now let me go.” She said, with arms crossed against her chest. “Hailes, I can understand your situation, but…but...Hear me out please.” Harry stammered between his words. “At first, I failed to realize who you are. If I had, I would have killed you by injecting poison.” “Certainly... I would have done that for my motherland. You are a curse for the Nation.” Harry stood stifled and muted before her portent. By all means, she had the right to criticize him. He opened the cell and sat beside her. She didn’t care to glance at his face. Harry held her hand in his. She didn’t move. “Hailes, I certainly don’t know why I do these crimes. I never had a feeling like this before. But for the first time, I feel guilty.” “I…..I was born as an orphan…with no parents, relatives and friends, and had never experienced happiness. I was brought up in an orphanage, among strict wardens and harsh rules. The timetable and the bells made us realize the monotony of our life. Sometimes, we were not provided food. They made us starve….and subjected us to harsh labor and punishment, even for a smallest mistake. I…..I longed for freedom and… I decided to escape. When I was sixteen, I sneaked out of the orphanage, the warden saw me…and he tried to drag me inside. To escape from him, I hit him with a flower vase. For the first time in my life….I killed somebody.” Hailey watched his face fill with guilt. “I escaped from there, with the fear of being caught by the cops. Then I joined a gang, and learned to kill people to fulfill my cause. I became my boss’s right hand and executed my work with intelligence, with an intension to become a terrifying don, whose name could frighten people. I never felt guilty about my actions…but after meeting you……I don’t know why!” Hailey withdrew her hand in haste. She sneezed after frequently inhaling dust and had a running nose. She wiped her face and stared at him. “Harry, we are humans. We don’t have the ability to create life. It’s in the hands of god. We only know how to rescue them. As we don’t posses that ability, we have no right to take lives.” Harry felt his heart fill with penitence. He grabbed her hand again and mumbled. “I’m sorry…I’m sorry” “Why are you telling me all this.”? She withdrew her hand in haste. Harry felt desperate. He leaned against the wall with his knees pulled against his chest. “Have you ever realized the intensity of your crimes? Or thought about the people who got affected by your actions?” “No” “Then come with me, tomorrow.” Harry failed to understand what Hailey was up to. She was driving the car. They passed through the bridges, meadows and farms. Harry continuously asked her where they were going, but Hailey remained silent. After a long drive, they reached an old building. On seeing the rusty old arch, he was able to read- St John’s orphanage. Harry covered his face with a handkerchief. Hailey parked the car and lead him towards the orphanage. She spoke to the sisters at the reception and got seated on the bench. Harry sat beside her “What’s all this? Why are we here?” “Wait for a while, I’ll explain.” She assured. A nun came out of the room with a small girl, nearly four or five years. On seeing Hailey, she let go of her and ran towards her. Hailey smiled broadly at her and advanced her hand. She whispered in his ear “Does this face look similar to you?” “No, not at all.” “The girl hugged Hailey tightly in her arms. Hailey held her in her arms and said “This is Judith, Zach’s one and only sister” Harry was shocked. He felt something being smothered at heart. He gazed at her for a while. Those innocent eyes were smiling broadly at her. “Zach was my schoolmate and relative. Their parents died in a car accident years before. He was living for his sister, but unfortunately….” Hailey eyed him accusingly. Harry stood with quivering hands. Words choked in his throat. He was not able to meet his eyes with hers. He realized the density of the malevolence in his mind. He was the one who made her an orphan. He stroked her head and kissed her forehead. He was unable to stand there and ran out of the building, covering his face. Hailey followed him and saw him breakdown near the car porch. On the way back, he cried desperately due to rising culpability in his heart. Neither Hailey’s soothing words nor her advice could create an impact on him. “Stop the car!” He shouted and Hailey was taken aback. The sun was setting behind the hills and the eastern sky appeared orange. They halted before an old church. Hailey glanced at her watch. It was 5.30 pm. Harry opened the door and walked towards the church with heaving heart. Hailey followed him. Harry stood, facing the statue of Jesus Christ like a decrepit wreck. He knelt down in front of the alter and cried his heart aloud. Hailey was unable to witness his situation. Her eyes brimmed with tears and they trickled down her cheeks. It was evening. The sun had disappeared behind the hills and the birds were flying back to their shelters. Both of them were sitting on a bench behind the churchyard under the cherry tree, with pink flowers scattered around them. Twilight casted long shadows on the ground. “Hailes, I wish I wasn’t born on this earth.” Harry mumbled. “Don’t say like that.” Hailey said. “That’s not in our hands.” “But I made her an orphan… I can understand the pain of being an orphan. And still…, how many lives have I ruined!” He whimpered. Hailey put her hand over his shoulder and tried to console him. “Harry, to err is human…and to forgive is divine. It’s good that you’re feeling guilty for your mistakes. Consider this your new start in life.” Hailey said “That means…have you forgiven me?” He asked out of curiosity. “Yes of course” Her eyes smiled. “In that case, can I ask you something?” “Hmm, go ahead” Harry got out of the bench and knelt before her. He held her hand and kissed it. “Will you marry me?” Hailey was stunned. She moved away from him. She was surprised by his audacity to ask such an intimate question. Harry seemed worried. “What happened, Hailey?” A sense of complexity rose in her heart. She stood mute in front of him. Harry waited for a reply. “Do you love me or not?” Hailey didn’t respond. She moved forward and leaned against the cherry tree. Harry was looking at her, longingly for a positive reply. “I… I don’t know what to say, but……., when I saw you for the first time at the hospital, I too felt in the same way…I am not able to say……”

Harry kept his hand over her shoulder and turned her around. Her cheeks bloomed pink with embarrassment and her heart hammered against her chest.

“Harry, what are you…….”

“Shhh….. He kept his index finger across his lips. Hailey was oblivious of what was happening to her.

And their lips met each other…..

On the way back home, Harry got a phone call. Hailey was driving the car. After remaining silent for sometime he said “No … I’m coming” And he cut the call. “Who was it?” Hailes asked. “I’ll tell you later” When they reached, they saw police cars parked before the building. Louie and Liam were brought out with handcuffs. Harry opened the door and came out. On seeing him, the police pointed their guns at him. He raised his hands. Louie and Liam were stunned to see Harry. When he got a glimpse of him, he moved towards them, smiling. “Didn’t Nyle inform you that we got arrested?” Louie asked in dilemma. “Yes, he did.” “Then why did you come here?” Liam shouted. Harry smiled and the both looked clueless. “I was the one who committed those crimes and led both of you into it. So obviously, I deserve the punishment.” “What happened to you Harry? Why are you speaking like this”? Liam asked. “You both have done so much for me, so shouldn’t I do something for you two? How can I live peacefully, when you both undergo harsh punishment inside the prison?” Both of them stared at each other in quandary. “Dr. Hailey Breeze, Are you alright?” Asked David Brown. “Yeah…I...Am.” Hailey said, trying to control her tears. “Don’t worry Miss Breeze, we’ll drop you home safely.” He assured her “Wait, I want to speak to Harry.” She said. “Whoa….But why?” “Please sir.” Hailey ran towards Harry whose hands were bounded with handcuffs. She covered her mouth with both her palms and cried. “Hailes….Don’t cry.” He consoled. “She cupped his face and hugged him tightly. “No...I won’t leave you.” “Hailes, I have to pay for what I have done and face my destiny. I don’t want to run away from my punishment” “But Harry, I can’t live without you” She cried. “You must and you will” He assured. Hailey vulnerably saw him taken away by the police. She stood muted, and his words echoed inside her mind. “If fate desires, we’ll meet again, love.” Tears trickled down her face. Harry was still smiling and he waved his hand to her. This made her more desolate. “Madam, let’s leave” Said David. When the cars had left, she felt desperate. David was waiting for her. She sat at the back seat, covering her face in her scarf, with an intention to hide her tears from the world.

Judy Jennifer

ഫർസാന പർവീൻ. ആർ
Plus One G ഗവ. മോഡൽ ഗേൾസ് എച്ച്.എസ്.എസ് പട്ടം
തിരുവനന്തപുരം നോർത്ത് ഉപജില്ല
അക്ഷരവൃക്ഷം പദ്ധതി, 2020

 സാങ്കേതിക പരിശോധന - Sreejaashok25 തീയ്യതി: 20/ 04/ 2020 >> രചനാവിഭാഗം - ലേഖനം