ഗവൺമെന്റ് യു പി എസ്സ് മഞ്ചവിളാകം/അക്ഷരവൃക്ഷം/A letter to Corona - Story

A letter to Corona

Dear Corona,

                     Oh, no I should not address you as ‘dear’ because you are a thief, who stole the peace of this world and a murderer who killed many.  Actually who are you? Where did you come from? What is your aim?  Who send you?  God or human?
                      Are you from mother nature?  Is she send you to stop our  exploitations?  Now the sky is clear,  fresh air, free animals. Now the moon can clearly see his face in the river. Rivers are singing. Even the beauty of Himalayas!
                     We hunted animals. We locked them in cages, now we are locked. Now we realise the value of freedom and the pain of animals. Oceans are blue again. It is not red because the whales are free, there is no hunting.
                     I think everything happened for a reason. You are a truth, truth about what human actually is! We need breath rather than wealth. You made humans as just numbers without any name or identity. You are a’ Pause button’ for our mechanical lives. And the world is the biggest drama theatre and you are a ‘curtain ‘. Even a few days before there were only Hindus, Muslims,...  in India. We forgot that we are Indians. There was a furtherance, there would have been a repetition of 1947. Like how religion divided people.  Now there is no violence, no terrorism, no quest for power.
                     Forgive us, we regret we have learned from today.Let us live tomorrow without the question of survival.
                      But I can tell you, your rein will end soon. We are fighters, we have the eternal seeds of survival. Threat was always there. We will withstand. We shall overcome like the flood. We did. There will be a dawn of hope very soon. 
                                                                                                                                               Anugraha Sunil S S
അനുഗ്രഹ സുനിൽ. S S
6 B, ഗവ യു പി എസ്സ് മഞ്ചവിളാകം
പാറശ്ശാല ഉപജില്ല
അക്ഷരവൃക്ഷം പദ്ധതി, 2020