Throughout the course of time and history, disease outbreaks have ravaged humanity, sometimes changing the course of history and, at time, signaling the end of entire civilization. When we think about a brief history of epidemics, the most oldest one known to man happened about 5,000 years ago. The epidemic occurred in 3000 BC wiped out a prehistoric village in China. Not long after a war between Athens and Sparta began an epidemic that ravaged the people of Athens and lasted for five years around 430 BC. This is followed by the Antonine plague by the first century A.D.This plagues which may have been smallpox, killed over 5 million people in the Roman Empire. This long list continues as the plague of Cyprian, plague of Justinian, Black death etc... 
              Most of the prehistoric epidemics are  caused by the smallpox. Even the American plague in the 16th century is caused by the smallpox. This contagious disease was destroyed worldwide by 1980 . But this was only  one of the  reason of epidemics, not all. So there occurred more epidemics in history again. The most important fact is that some of the epidemics like the AIDS, Zika virus epidemic are still existing in the world ,but we were able to mitigate their impact . Epidemics are sometimes stopped by human interference and sometimes by the nature itself. More than causing the death of millions, epidemics sometimes may lead to riots, for an instance, the Great plague of Marseille (1720-1733) that ravaged Moscow, the terror of quarantined citizens erupted into violence riots spread through the city
           For the 21st century, the novel corona virus became the greatest threat put forward by the mother nature. It is believed to be started from the Wuhan in China. While the things were  slowing down in China, the outbreak started picking up in the rest of the world. There are now confirmed cases in at least 200 countries and territories and it already took up thousands of lives. We and our brave health workers are still fighting against it. By observing the history of epidemics, we can clearly see that ,even though epidemics gained  millions of lives, they will not last forever. So the COVID-19 can also be stopped by us or our very own mother nature one day
             Some describes epidemics as the reaction of nature towards our exploitation, some compare it with their cultural beliefs, for some it's a human creation, but all of this doesn't matter. The only thing we have to know about is how can we stop it? Maybe it's a vaccination, like that we used against polio epidemic and smallpox pox, otherwise we need something more. Anyway the nature will definitely decided what's next...
Sidharth Manikuttan
11 A സെന്റ് പീറ്റേഴ്സ് എച്ച് എസ് എസ് ഇലഞ്ഞി
കൂത്താട്ടുകുളം ഉപജില്ല
അക്ഷരവൃക്ഷം പദ്ധതി, 2020

 സാങ്കേതിക പരിശോധന - Anilkb തീയ്യതി: 24/ 04/ 2020 >> രചനാവിഭാഗം - ലേഖനം