കൂടാളി എച്ച് എസ് എസ്/അക്ഷരവൃക്ഷം/Health and Hygiene
Health and Hygiene..
Cleanliness as per the Cambridge means the state of clean or the act of keeping things clean. Our great Guru Sree Narayana told us that cleanliness should come from everyones kitchen, from there it starts and it keep all universe clean. The first thing is that our health cleanliness., and it is essential for physical, mental, and spiritual. Cleaning is the major step to healthy loving. It can prevent and cure from communicable diseases like new pandemic virus Corona. Effective Cleaning can forbid virus and other communicable diseaces. Our Indian culture already taught us about the higene and clean. Whenever we returned from anywhere we wash our hands and feets before entering the house. Nowadays we lost our customs. But the foriegners are trying to learn our customs Yogas Ayurveda etc. So it is a warning from the Nature and beware. Should go and fetch all our precious customs we have. And this is the time we understand that the Nature is rebooting everything. Beware of human exinct dont dig hole for ourselves. Nature wants all creatures in the world. From the chidhood we start learn the basics about clean Everyone should start clean from their house and the territory where they living. Be safe and clean.